Our commitment to sustainability: a growing journey
At Alba, over the past few years, sensitivity to the environmental impact and sustainability of our actions has become increasingly prominent, resulting in a series of objectives and concrete actions to be pursued in the short to medium term.
The company uses a photovoltaic system that covers up to 60% of its electricity consumption. In addition, to further reduce consumption and emissions, LED lighting systems have been installed in warehouse and production areas.
In 2022, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification was obtained, bringing the company to higher standards in proper waste disposal. Achieving this certification is an important step for the company, which wants to set a clear course for the future.

Our concern for the environment also begins to become concrete starting with the production of chairs, tables, benches and furniture accessories wherever possible using recycled, post-consumer and post-industrial plastics. Thanks to a highly industrialized and automated production capacity, we try to reduce metal waste as much as possible and allocate those produced to the ferrous recycling circuit.
From a logistical point of view, we have always preferred the short supply chain: in fact, 90% of our suppliers are located within a 200km radius, thus avoiding the travel of long distances for the delivery of materials. The choice of partners focuses on certified companies that can guarantee a certain continuity in the sustainability of the supply chain.