03 June 2021

The Alba configurator: customisation made easy!

With the Alba configurator, customising every detail will become a genuine pleasure. We’ve always believed in the importance of being able to touch our products with your hands. It helps you to appreciate the value and workmanship that go into crafting them. During this challenging year, social distancing has also denied us the experience of physical contact in our daily lives.




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That’s why at Alba we believe even more that our configurator can serve as a valuable additional tool to help you fully appreciate our products – even from a distance. And we’ve also increased the collections available to make your user experience on our website more complete than ever.

You can choose from Alba’s extensive range of designer products and furnishing accessories, including Tapas, Tipper and Young/Key/Fabric. After selecting the model, you can customise the finish, dimensions and colours to create a configuration tailored perfectly to meet your specific requirements. You can then save your custom configuration in PDF format, which includes all the information necessary to request your bespoke quotation.


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Our collections stand out for their versatility, function and design, making them perfect for office, community as well as Ho.Re.Ca. and home environments. The close attention we pay to every detail is your assurance that Alba products deliver furnishing solutions which are advanced, modern and of the highest quality.

Alba: your product is just a click away